Sunday, November 29, 2009

good times...

haha.. i got a surprised this morning.. it was 10.30 am i guess. and yesss people, i am still on my bed. i was awake by the sound of the text msg in my phone. i got a text msg from an unknown number and it says weyh.aku kat lua.

and i was like. hah? sape pulak dekat luar ni? sape dtg? ni nom......zzzzzzzz aku tertido balik. hahaha. then another text msg masuk. aku terjage balik. nombor unknown jugak. rupe2nye nombor td. die kate kua lah.hee.

aduh, sape pulak kacau aku tidur ni? knp aku kene keluar? arggghhhh. potong betul. haha

aku pon bangun dgn muke selebetnye, pergilah dekat family hall, tgk depan rumah tak ade sape pon. dlm hati da pns da, sape lah yg kurang hasam prank aku ni?

tibe2 kak long ckp, efa! phone!

sape pulak dah call ni..

rupe2nye nadia, die nk cerita something yg agk sweet. haishhhh. beruntung la kau nad. jeles i! haha. sori la kalau aku bagi reaksi yg agk 'plain'. aku baru bgn tido ah. otak br nk warm up. hihi.

oke, sambung cerita. so, aku pon reply kat nombor tu, sape ni? while nadia was still on the line of course.

then he replied, aku la ngok. seypul. haha. kau sombong, x nk kua kn!

aku bkn sombong la woi. kau yg tak ade dpn umah aku. tyhen i replied, x de pon kau dpn umah aku?

ade lah, kat bwh. xnmpk ke? ade kete merah ni.

and i was like. mane? arghh. plus, aku tgh ckp dgn nad. so, aku pon concentrate la dkt nad dulu. sdg nad sdg syok bercerita dkt aku tibe2 my phone rang. an unknown number jugak call.

unknown : hello
efa : hello
unknown : weyh efa
efa : sape ni?
unknown : black la
efa : hah? black? sape?
unknown : iqmal black la....
efa: ooooooo!! iqmal! hahaha
iqmal : keluar lah, aku dekat depan rumah kau ni.
efa : mane korg? aku tak nmpk pon korg? haishhh
iqmal : haisshhhh ade laaaaaa
efa : ouh! wait! korg dkt pintu pagar satu lagi eh?
iqmal : ...........
efa : x pe, kejap2. (pap. aku letak)

sambung ckp dgn nad jap. then i have to cut off the conversation la sbb org dtg pulak en tibe2. then i went into mama's room. pergi jenguk dkt tingkap then nmpk dorg! waaaaaa. lame siot x nmpk dorg. rinduuuuuu huhu

i yelled from upstairs smbil membongkok kerane baju tidur pade waktu itu, pape je lah.

efa: korg! weyh, korg!

mereka tercari2 dari manekah dtg suare itu en

efa: dkt ats ni lah!

then baru dorg nmpk... :)

efa: weyh, hai korg!! :DDD aku tak mandi lg la weyh! aku br bgn ni.. hahahaha. korg tggu kejap. eh, masuk la dulu. masuk ikut gate satu lg tu. imal, kau park je kereta kau kat dlm.

then aku pergi mandi. lepas mandi, tgk dkt depan balik kete imal da tak ade. i called him. he said die pergi beli paper sekejap. die kate saiful n imran ade. and i was like, mane ade? tak ade sape pon kat bwh.

so, i called saiful. die ade dkt luar. x nk masuk. segan konon! nyampah aku! haha

so, put on my clothes and i ran down the stairs. excited nk jumpe kwn lame. hihi

smpi je kat luar, i saw iqmal standing in front of his 'gf' haha. and saiful and imran and....ariff! yes, he was there. terkejut kot! i was stunt jugak la. my reaction says it all i guess. i was so excited to see imal n saiful. terjerit2 jugak la. IMALLLLLL!!!! SAIFUL!!!!! mmg jiran aku terkejut lah. hahaha. and ariff, i was like ouh, ariff. haha. sori lah. i was still schocked at that time.

then imal introduced me to his new 'gf'. sape name die imal? zoom zoom eh? tak hot lgsg name. haha. but she was 'hot' man! aku pulak jatuh cinta dgn die. plus, 'gf' kau sedap untuk dibawa. wait, lain mcm siot bunyik. hahahahaha :P

then, we spend the rest of the day talking, catching up en? its been like two years kn we haven't met? haaaahhh... whatever it is, i'm touched la korg still ingt kat aku en? :) korg dtg jugak jumpe aku. tapi korg suke mcm tu, dtg mengejut. this is the third time korg dtg en? the first two time korg dtg mengejut mcm tu i was not home en? padan muke! sape suruh tak bagi tahu dulu nk dtg. hahahaha. nasib baik korg dtg ni aku ade.

whatever it is, i had fun with you guys. lepas ni bule lepak lg kn? kn? kn? :)

footnote : thanks for giving me a visit guys! i appreciate that :)

1 comment:

  1. haha.
    fafa :)
    best kut. but part ariff tu kesian sangat :p
    syud gelak guling2.
